Contact us
If you have any problem, comments or suggestions about our database, please contact us .
Laboratory: Laboratory of Tropical Plant Resources and Sustainable Use
Institute: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Address: No. 21 Qingsong Road, Ciba, Kunming 650204, Yunnan Province, China
The research direction of XTBG Bioinformatics Research Group involves the development of algorithms related to plant functional genome and database construction. If you want to learn more, please visit XTBG Bioinformatics Research Group.
Our work
lncRNA Database (CRISPRlnc):
CRISPRlnc: a manually curated database of validated sgRNAs for lncRNAs (Liu et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 2019)
lncRNA Database (ZFLNC):
ZFLNC: a comprehensive and well annotated database for zebrafish lncRNA (Liu et al., Database, 2018)
Euphorbiaceae Database (EupDB):
EupDB: An integrative and comprehensive functional genomics data hub for Euphorbiaceae plants (Liu et al., Plant Communications, 2023)
Alfalfa Gene Editing Database (AlfalfaGEDB):
Alfalfa Gene Editing Database (In preparation)